The picture shown above is the Pa Kua. The trigrams arrangement is known as Early Heaven Trigrams Arrangement (EHTA).
Each trigram is made up of 3 types of 3 lines combinations. A trigram with 3 solid lines, 3 broken lines and a combination of solid and broken lines. Each trigram has a number, name, nature, season, personality, family member, direction, colour, animals, elements etc.... These trigrams arranged in certain formations can unlock good or bad energies. These trigrams are positioned on an eight sided figure and is used in the art of Feng Shui to set up a Pa Kua energy map of your home. When used for this application within Feng Shui, it is often referred to as Pa Kua of the eight aspirations.
The following are the details of each trigram :
1. Name : Kan
Trigram symbol : 2 broken lines separated a solid line.
Direction : North
Element : Water
Colour : Black
Symbolism : Moon
Aspect of life : Career and life path.
2. Name : Li
Trigram symbol : 2 solid lines separated by 1 broken line.
Direction : South
Element : Fire
Colour : Red
Sybolism : Brightness, Sun.
Aspect of life : Fame and reputation.
3. Name : Zhen
Trigram symbol : 2 broken lines followed by a solid line.
Direction : East
Element : Wood
Colour : Green
Symbolism : Thunder
Aspect of life : Family and health.
4. Name : Dui
Trigram symbol : 1 broken line followed by 2 solid lines.
Direction : West
Element : Metal
Colour : White
Symbolism : Marsh
Aspect of life : Children and creativity.
5. Name : Kun
Trigram symbol : 3 broken lines
Direction : Southwest
Element : Earth
Colour : Pink
Symbolism : Mother earth.
Aspect of life : Love, marriage and relationship.
6. Name : Chien
Trigram symbol : 3 solid lines
Direction : Northwest
Element : Metal
Colour : Silver and Grey.
Symbolism : Heaven, Leader.
Aspect of life : Nobleman, travel.
7. Name : Sun
Trigram symbol : 2 solid lines followed by 1 broken line.
Direction : Southeast
Element : Wood
Colour : Purple
Synbolism : Wind
Aspect of life : Prosperity and abundance.
8. Name : Gen
Trigram symbol : 1 solid line followed by 2 broken lines.
Direction : Northeast
Element : Earth
Colour : Blue
Symbolism : Mountain, Youth.
Aspect of life : Knowledge, skills and wisdom.
Each of the eight trigrams are further combined by the same eight trigrams to form a total of 64 combinations. The 64 combinations are known as Hexagrams. Each Hexagram has its own text and meanings. The group of 64 Hexagrams is called the " book of changes " or I-Ching which was developed by King Wen after prehistoric China.
Thank you. Have a good day!