Continue from post 2:
In the last few dynasties of China, Feng Shui, as well as Buddhism and Confucianism had flourished to great heights. Common folks and emperors in their imperial palaces practiced Feng Shui widely and freely during the Ching dynasty. When China was ruled by the early communist regime, Feng Shui was banned. Feng Shui masters and anyone who taught and practiced Feng Shui were executed immediately. In order for self survival and to keep the art, they migrated to the South known as Nanyang, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the West. ( If Feng Shui is a science, then why did the communist regime was so paranoid to ban it and execute innocent Feng Shui peoples? Think about it! )
When Feng Shui is practised and applied correctly, it will bring good health, good fortunes, good wealth and prosperity to the peoples, to the community and eventually to the country. When Feng Shui is done wrongly, it still works but the effects will be reversed. Feng Shui is a science about the interaction among the 5 elements and an art of living in harmony with the environment.
More information about introduction of Feng Shui can be found in http://bobfengshui.com
Thank you. BR, Bob Quek