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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Unlocking the secrets of Feng Shui to create good wealth and fortune.

When it comes to the matter of Feng Shui, it literally means making use of the flow of energy in the environment to generate positive effects for you. When channeled correctly, the energy or more commonly known as the "chi" that flows in the air will bring wealth as well as excellent fortune. Though the entire concept might sound extraordinary or even a bit far-fetched to someone who is not familiar with it, nobody can deny that such thing exists. If you are interested in exploiting Feng Shui to bring good effects to your house, then you must continue reading to unlock the biggest secrets that you have been deprived of.

The most common terms in Feng Shui are non other than Yin and Yang. Without reading too much into the individual meaning of both terms, they are basically the core principle of contradictory elements in achieving harmony through the balancing of elements in heaven as well as earth. While Yang typically refers to the positive energy, Yin is the complementary opposite and both of them constantly interact and correspond to both good and evil.
When you are applying Feng Shui in your house, the ultimate aim is to have the best orientation to channel the flow of good chi into your house while trying to avoid any of the bad chi that might exist in certain corners of your house. By applying thoroughly in your house, it is literally pointing to the arrangement of the furniture, such as table, chair etc. For example, a Feng Shui master would generally advise you on how to activate the positive energy at certain location in your house by sleeping there, or carrying out what you do on a daily basis in that corner. On the contrary, you will advised to avoid sharp edges of tables and chairs as they are classified to be destructive chi that it will bring you disasters.
Generally, you would want to start with your individual BaZi when you want to practise Feng Shui at home. Basically, there are 4 good directions and 4 bad directions for each individual. By knowing your own BaZi, you will be able to determine how you can practise Feng Shui in your house. For example, you will be able to tap the best conditions of Feng Shui for you to know when to move in your house, when to start renovation, what is the best direction for your main door to channel the best chi that suits you and so on.
Anyway, for a beginner in Feng Shui, it is advisable to hire an expert to help you carry out a thorough analysis of your house before changing anything. One must keep in mind that the corect application of Feng Shui will bring you good luck, but if you activate the wrong energy, it could bring you bad luck or even land you in absolute disaster which means death.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Feng Shui - guide to harnessing the energies of the 5 elements.

The foundation of the art of Feng Shui resides in 5 different elements. Using these elements, you can create harmony and balance in your surroundings. The entire principle lies with the "chi" or the life giving energy which resides all around us as well as inside. This life energy influences our moods and feelings as well as our surroundings. Each of the elements in Feng Shui work together to create a harmony of "chi" around us. This is represented by cycles of destruction and production. The destructive cycle represents how each element can destroy one another, while the productive cycle shows how each element work together in creation. These cycles complete and complement each other, creating harmony.

The element Earth is dicpicted by the colours yellow and orange. Ceramic pottery, some small and big stones are directly related to the Earth element and is often used as decorations in areas where the Earth element is absent. In its productive cycle, the Fire element creates Earth, which makes the Fire elements a good complement for the same area with fewer Earth elements. Wood breaks the Earth apart. Therefore, any Wood in an Earth-based should be removed.

The colour green depicts the Wood element. For areas with fewer wood elements, flowers as well as live plants can be a good addition for they are directly connected to this element. Water complements the Wood in the productive cycle for it provides nourishment and would therefore, enhance the area lacking the Wood element. Metal, on the other hand, cuts through Wood. Therefore, any Metal-based materials would be best not to be present in the areas of Wood.

Silver, gray, white and gold colours best represent the element Metal. Metal-based vases, wind-chimes as well as frames are all materials related to this element. These are items that can be used to enhance an area lacking in Metal. During its productive cycle, the Earth element can produce Metal, therefore, the addition of objects related to the element Earth would enhance areas with few Metal elements. The Fire element, though, melts Metal, which is why placing Fire-based objects in the Metal area should be avoided.

Fire elements are depicted by the colours purple, pink and red. Objects like candles and fireplaces are related to the Fire element and are used as decorations on areas with few Fire elements. In its productive cycle, Wood feeds Fire and Wood-based objects would therefore provide excellent addition to a Fire lacking area. On the other hand, Water element douses Fire so it would be best to remove any Water-based objects in the area designed for the Fire element.

Finally, Water elements are best depicted by the colours blue and black. Aquariums as well as water fountains are some of the objects related to this element. These objects can be placed as decorations in an area with little water. The Metal element, in its productive cycle, produces Water and objects based on this element would therfore, be fine additions to the area targeted for Water. Earth element, however, absorbs Water. Any items based on the Earth element should not be placed in the area intended for Water.

With Feng Shui, the process of maintaining balance depends on each of the elements working in harmony with each other. But we ourselves are influenced by these elements directly through our birth. Our date and time of birth actually represent a group of 8 different and / or similar elements ( known as BaZi ), and we can know which element is representing Self. From there we analyse the BaZi to find the strengths and weaknesses of Self, and also the favourable and unfavourable elements relative to Self. We can find when there are good lucks, good and bad fortunes, relationships, aspects of life and destiny.

Thank you.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Feng Shui Pa Kua or Eight Trigrams.

What does Pa Kua mean ? It is literally eight (8) hanging. It was discovered by a prehistoric chinese man called Fu Xi some 5000 years ago in China when he studied the universe. In his discoveries, Fu Xi found that there were eight phenomena in the universe. He used solid, broken lines and a combination of these lines to represent these eight phenomena. In the prehistoric times, the chinese language was not fully developed or there was none. The lines were used as symbols to indicate each phenomena so that the symbols can be communiciated to his folks. Hence the Pa Kua is a group of these eight phenomena or later known as eight trigrams.
The picture shown above is the Pa Kua. The trigrams arrangement is known as Early Heaven Trigrams Arrangement (EHTA).

Each trigram is made up of 3 types of 3 lines combinations. A trigram with 3 solid lines, 3 broken lines and a combination of solid and broken lines. Each trigram has a number, name, nature, season, personality, family member, direction, colour, animals, elements etc.... These trigrams arranged in certain formations can unlock good or bad energies. These trigrams are positioned on an eight sided figure and is used in the art of Feng Shui to set up a Pa Kua energy map of your home. When used for this application within Feng Shui, it is often referred to as Pa Kua of the eight aspirations.

The following are the details of each trigram :

1. Name : Kan
Trigram symbol : 2 broken lines separated a solid line.
Direction : North
Element : Water
Colour : Black
Symbolism : Moon
Aspect of life : Career and life path.

2. Name : Li
Trigram symbol : 2 solid lines separated by 1 broken line.
Direction : South
Element : Fire
Colour : Red
Sybolism : Brightness, Sun.
Aspect of life : Fame and reputation.

3. Name : Zhen
Trigram symbol : 2 broken lines followed by a solid line.
Direction : East
Element : Wood
Colour : Green
Symbolism : Thunder
Aspect of life : Family and health.

4. Name : Dui
Trigram symbol : 1 broken line followed by 2 solid lines.
Direction : West
Element : Metal
Colour : White
Symbolism : Marsh
Aspect of life : Children and creativity.

5. Name : Kun
Trigram symbol : 3 broken lines
Direction : Southwest
Element : Earth
Colour : Pink
Symbolism : Mother earth.
Aspect of life : Love, marriage and relationship.

6. Name : Chien
Trigram symbol : 3 solid lines
Direction : Northwest
Element : Metal
Colour : Silver and Grey.
Symbolism : Heaven, Leader.
Aspect of life : Nobleman, travel.

7. Name : Sun
Trigram symbol : 2 solid lines followed by 1 broken line.
Direction : Southeast
Element : Wood
Colour : Purple
Synbolism : Wind
Aspect of life : Prosperity and abundance.

8. Name : Gen
Trigram symbol : 1 solid line followed by 2 broken lines.
Direction : Northeast
Element : Earth
Colour : Blue
Symbolism : Mountain, Youth.
Aspect of life : Knowledge, skills and wisdom.

Each of the eight trigrams are further combined by the same eight trigrams to form a total of 64 combinations. The 64 combinations are known as Hexagrams. Each Hexagram has its own text and meanings. The group of 64 Hexagrams is called the " book of changes " or I-Ching which was developed by King Wen after prehistoric China.

Thank you. Have a good day!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The mighty Feng Shui colours and their effects, Part 2.

To raise the chi in the zones, try the following. Put a purple lamp in the wealth zone ( indicated by Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth in the above BaGua ). Put a vase full of pink flowers in the relationship area ( indicated by Relationship, Love, Mother ). Put a sculpture made of black marble in the career area ( indicated by Career, Path on life ). Rely on your intuition - if you do not like a particular colour, do not use it. You can choose any of the hundreds of shades. Red, yellow and orange are warm Feng Shui colours that excite. Green is calm and neutral. Blue, indigo and violet are cold and soothing. Black represents austerity, elegance and sophistication. Red is impulse and energy. Pink is light and romantic. Blue symbolises purity, openness and spontaniety.

Colour can create the mood. Each area of your home may affect your life in general. Ask yourself, what mood you are looking for, and then select the appropriate colour. Do not rush to global changes - it's better to start with a small but focused change. Small lamp here, a decorative pillow here, and you will reach your goals step by step. Soon you will feel that proper Feng Shui colours are helping you to create harmony around you.

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The mighty Feng Shui colours and their effects, Part 1.

All objects and subjects are perceived largely by their colours. There are people who predominantly wear and decorate their home interiors using blue and green, soft blue and pink, chocolate and so on. So, how to choose your colours? How to protect yourself from the negative impact of the colours that do not suit you? What do you follow when selecting the colour of a new dress or a room decor? Is it your taste, intuition, knowledge, or a little bit of everything? The Feng Shui colours can help you choose the best colours. You need to determine your self element by your date of birth, and know what colour match your self element.

Base on the birth date, there are five types of people who have varying colours. The people of water - blue and black; the people of earth - yellow, brown and beige; the people of fire - red; the people of metal - gold and white; the people of wood - green.

Suitable colours are also easy to identify by personal intuitive preferences. These typically are the most faithful, because they are embedded deep within and are guided by the spontaneous unconcious impulses. People who listen to their inner voices, as a rule, pick the appropriate colours for them. Those who do not have such abilities are advised to listen to experts on Feng Shui colours.

It is a shame that the colour is rarely seriously considered in the interior. Most houses are decorated in the same pattern - the walls in the shades of white, beige floors, etc. In Feng Shui, there are the so-called zones of BaGua, each of which has a corresponding colour. A properly selected colour for each zone will help improve energy in the relevant areas of your life. You don't need to paint the entire area in one recommended colour. Feng Shui is a subtle art, and it allows everyone to find their harmony through a simple shift in focus.

To continue in the next post, Part 2. Thank you.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Geopathic Stress - 3 Effective Cures to Eliminate Geopathic Stress From Your Home

Geopathic stress is the name given to harmful effects of unstable electromagnetic fields emanating from the earth. Reseach has shown that when one's body is exposed to electromagnetic rays for an extended period of time, it can result into the risk of cancer and weakened immune system. When choosing a place to live, it is important to consider the energy that is emanating from the land that it is build on as it as it can have major effect on us.

A huge survey of over five thousand houses was conducted in the town of Stettin, in Poland. A lot of people had died of cancer in this town. It was established that strong electromagnetic rays crossed their homes. Several ailments are linked to geopathic stress. The act of verifying one's bed is being affected by this kind of peculiar stress is known as dowsing.

Earth rays have both positive and negative health effects. Schumann waves are the earth rays that promote positive health effects. However, these beneficial waves are inhibited by modern building technology, especially in high-rises.

One of the best ways to identify if your home is being affected by bad earth rays is to watch for any kind of chronic illnesses. If your kids experience frequent nightmares, wake up crying, or wets the bed regularly, it may be the sign that the bed is being affected by geopathic stress. It is best to hire services of professional dowsers to verify if your bed is being affected by geopathic stress. Pets and other animals naturally avoid the areas that are filled with geopathic stress.

Usually when the house is build on the land when lightning are struck , it gets affected with bad earth rays. Here are three best ways to deal with geopathic stress :

1. Consider getting the geopathic neutralising gadgets. Keep in mind that gadgets would only help your place free from bad earth rays only for a short period of time. RadiTech, a geopathic stress neutraliser, is developed by Dulwich Healthy Society in U.K. This is believed to be an effective cure.

2. Performing earth acupunture is another effective technique. Hammering lengths of copper pipes or iron rods into the ground has good results, but this can be fairly expensive treatment.

3. Feng Shui and space clearing help us alleviate the bad earth rays if they are applied correctly.

None of the three techniques mentioned above are long-term permanent cures. The best cure is to remove yourself from the vicinity of the stress itself.